
Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



Position: > About > MTO Culture
MTO Culture

MT Spirit:Perseverance and constantly improving.
MT Philosophy:Striving for the highest standards though confronted with difficulties.
MT Idea:Do specially, Do fine, Do strongly.
MT Talented Person Idea:Humanist and drawing on the best of each staff.
MT Prevailing Custom:Fully cooperating and rigorous, highly effective in work.
MT Objective:Good faith for this, the pioneer innovative.

Our company newly launched a body with coaxial illumination MZS1865TC depending on the machine. Unique optical design, high quality LED coaxial illumination contrast and good depth of field.

The employees of the company actively do exercises during the off-duty hours. There are many kinds of exercises, such as rope skipping, table tennis, gas volleyball, basketball and so on. Everyone is very devoted and exercises very vigorously.
Recently, the company organized some sports competitions, such as dribbling relay, two-person three-legged relay, tug of war, etc. All the employees actively signed up for the competition. The players in the competition worked hard and showed good spirit of individual enterprising and team cooperation. 



According to the new method for the identification and review of national high-tech enterprises, our company successfully passed the examination of high-tech enterprises in 2012, 2015 and 2018 and won the title of high-tech enterprise.


胶南市| 香河县| 三亚市| 阿拉尔市| 蓝田县| 昌乐县| 五大连池市| 巴彦县| 洛川县| 康马县| 马公市| 四会市| 斗六市| 丰镇市| 什邡市| 太湖县| 将乐县| 烟台市| 阿拉善右旗| 涡阳县| 福贡县| 成安县| 辽源市| 沙湾县| 百色市| 铜山县| 大理市| 本溪| 巴东县| 大理市| 新宾| 平遥县| 寻甸| 新密市| 蓬莱市| 双城市| 新龙县| 固安县| 山西省| 青神县| 定兴县|